Thursday, April 22, 2010

Kennebunkport Bush Compound

Living in southern coastal Maine, you get used to the idea that a family named "Bush" vacations here.  If you hang around Kennebunkport enough, you're bound to get caught up in the "Bushmania" that takes hold of this town at least a few times a year.  I've never been much for putting up with crowds of insane tourists just to get a glimpse of someone famous no matter who you are.  Lucky for me I have a friend who works in the secret service and gave a bunch of us an "insider's" view of the Bush family property this week as they were preparing for the next family visit in a couple of weeks.  I must have taken 100 pictures that day, but this picture is my favorite.  If you were to sit on the back porch of the main house (yes there is more than one), this is the view of the Atlantic Ocean you would have, looking northeast.  I stood there for a few minutes smelling the ocean and wondering how nice it must be to be served steak and lobster in your own paradise.  It might feel very private if it wasn't for the hundreds of cameras, dozens of secret service agents, and Coast Guard boats circling in the waters all around the property.  Coastguardsmen who were with us on the tour said when the wind blows just right, they can hear a conversation from this porch from a few hundred yards off shore! 

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